The Holy Spirit and The Church
Hyung Yong Park
Chapter 1
The Pentecost and its Uniqueness and Significance
1. Biblical usage of the Term ‘Baptism of the Holy Spirit’
2. The Pentecost: “The Baptism of the Holy Spirit”(Acts 2:1-4).
(1) The Fulfillment of the Old Testament Prophecy
(2) The Witness of John the Baptist
(3) The Testimony of Jesus
Chapter 2
Continuing Works of the Holy Spirit after the Pentecost
1. The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Samaria (Acts 8:4-25)
2. The Work of the Holy Spirit Within Cornelius’ Family (Acts 10:44-48; 11:1-18)
3. The Miraculous Work of the Holy Spirit in Ephesus (Acts 19:1-7)
Chapter 3
The Pentecostal Experience in the Redemptive History
1. Once-for-Allness of the Apostleship
2. The Closure of the New Testament Canon
3. The Significance of the Pastoral Epistles in Understanding the Ministry of the Church with Regards to the Work of the Holy Spirit
Chapter 4
The Pentecost and its Theological Significance
1. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit and the Expansion of God’s Kingdom
2. The Pentecost and Redemptive History
3. Jesus’ Baptism at the Jordan and Baptism of the Church at Pentecost
4. The Presence of the Holy Spirit and Christ at Pentecost
5. The Justification Aspect of the Pentecost
6. A Unique Unrepeatable Event
7. The Birthday of the New Testament Church
8. Baptism in the Holy Spirit at Pentecost and the Experience of the Disciples
9. “Something Better” for the New Testament Believer
Chapter 5
The Works of the Holy Spirit in the Believer’s Salvation
1. Regeneration and Baptism with the Holy Spirit
2. Baptism with the Spirit and Fullness of the Spirit
3. A Life Filled with the Holy Spirit
4. Fullness of the Spirit and the Fruit of the Spirit
5. Can we categorize people as first and second-class Christians?
Chapter 6
The Works of the Holy Spirit in the Special Revelation
1. The Self-consciousness of the Bible authors in recording the Bible
2. Biblical Evidence for Biblical Inspiration
(1) II Timothy 3:16
(2) II Peter 1:20, 21
Chapter 7
The Role of the Holy Spirit in Interpreting the Scriptures
1. The Holy Spirit and the Text
2. The Holy Spirit and the Interpreter
3. The New Testament Church equipped with a New Function of Interpretation
Chapter 8
The Works of the Holy Spirit in the Life of Jesus Christ
1. Why the Gospels lack more accounts of people filled with the Holy Spirit?
2. The Holy Spirit and the Announcement of Jesus’ Birth
3. The Holy Spirit and the Birth of Jesus
4. The Holy Spirit and Jesus’ Baptism
5. The Holy Spirit and Jesus’ Ministry
6. The Holy Spirit and Jesus’ Resurrection
7. The Holy Spirit and the Life-giving Spirit
Chapter 9
The Works of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament Church
1. Jesus’ Consciousness toward the Pentecost
2. The New Testament Church established on the Pentecost
3. Redemptive Community established only by the Holy Spirit
4. The Holy Spirit and Evangelism of the Church
Chapter 10
The Role of the Holy Spirit in the Resurrection
1. The Role of the Holy Spirit in the Resurrection of Jesus
2. The Holy Spirit who dwells in the Believers
3. The Role of the Spirit in the Resurrection of the Believer
4. The Resurrection Body is the Spiritual Body
Chapter 11
The Works of the Holy Spirit and the Order of Salvation
1. The Holy Spirit and Grace
2. The Holy Spirit and Regeneration
3. The Holy Spirit and Repentance
4. The Holy Spirit and Adoption as sons
5. The Holy Spirit and Sanctification
6. The Holy Spirit and Perseverance
7. The Holy Spirit and Glorification
[이 게시물은 최고관리자님에 의해 2018-11-06 11:16:09 출판부에서 복사 됨]